Nutmeg What is : Nutmeg is spice from the seed of nutmeg tree (Myristica fragnans). This tree is the source of two popular spices, nutmeg and mace. Nutmeg is the inner seed while mace is the cover of the seed with red and lace-like substance. This tropical evergreen tree is native to Indonesia. Benefit : Has natural pain-relieving characteristics, to reduce pain from wounds, injuries, strains and chronic inflammation. It can promotes digestion with its fiber content, which can stimulate the digestive process by promoting peristaltic motion in the smooth muscles of the intestine. Its essential oil content, called myristicin and macelignan have been proven to reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function that commonly afflicts people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. It has a high content of magnesium, an essential mineral in the body that reduces nerve tension, creates a feeling of relaxation or sedation and helps induce relaxation and sleep. Nutmeg has potential use against cancerous cells. Studies have shown that a certain methanolic compound in it and its essential oil can actually induce cell death (apoptosis) in leukemia cells, thereby stopping the spread and metastasis of this terrible variety of cancer that commonly afflicts children. Nutmeg also can be use to boost the appearance and health of the skin which is also great for skin care. It can help to reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin, promote hydration and a smooth appearance. Its high mineral content makes nutmeg a good ingredient for regulating blood circulation and pressure. Uses : For culinary dishes, especially for sweet and savory dishes. Used in several food ingredients and flavoring agents. Used in variety of beverages, for unique taste or as a garnish. Extracted to essential oil. Used for herbal medicine.