Sunflower oil is of light amber color with a mild and pleasant flavor; refined oil is pale yellow. This oil is the non-volatile oil compressed from sunflower (helianthus annulus) seeds. This oil is high in the essential vitamin e and low in saturated fat. Benefits: Used for variety of ways such as dressing salads & deep frying numerous food items. Helps to prevent colon cancer. Improves skin health and promotes cell generation. Protects skin against damaged caused by sun & aging. It is considered better for baking as it is not as heavy as other oils. Strengthens immune system. Reduces severity of asthma arthritis. It is useful for lowering "bad" ldl. Cholesterol. It is processed specially for a vast range of applications in the manufacture of food and is known to be good. Substitute for cocoa butter in confectionary. Contains alpha tocopherola form of vitamin e that acts as an anti-oxidant in your body. Naturally free from trans fats.