With the rapid development of the world plastic industry, more and more plastic materials are used widely than before. As the increasing quantity application of plastic, it brings people convenience as well as serious pollution problems. At present, the waste plastics mainly are solved by landfill, burning and recycling. However, both of landfill and burning cause the secondary pollution, and the scope waste plastic recycling is very limited. For example, the waste plastics produced by household garbage and paper-making factory, which can not be recycled. With the increasing price of International crude oil, the waste plastic pyrolysis plant project report is closely watched by different countries in the world. www(dot)doinggroup(dot)com This plastic pyrolysis plant applies pyrolysis technology which can convert plastics into fuel oil and carbon black. All of them have a wide range of applications and can create high benefits for you. The fuel oil can be widely used in industries such as steel and iron and boiler factories, ceramics, power or chemical industries etc. or used for generators to get electricity. Carbon black can be used for making construction bricks with clay, or used as fuelã??www(dot)china-doing(dot)com