Product description, Product introduction: Feldspar powder is gray or pale yellow powder, the typical kind is Na-k feldspar which contain Potassium oxide and sodium oxide physical properties of Na-k feldspar: Mohs Scale Hardness is from 6 to 6.5,density is from 2.55 g/cm3 to 2.76 g/cm3,and the melting point is from 1215 degree centigrade to 1290 degree centigrade. The role of feldspar in abrasive products mainly adjust the product viscosity, reduce the product cost, The recommended regular consumption of Diatomite is from 2% to 8%. The character of Feldspar: Feldspar is frame structure formed by oxygen-silicon tetrahedron silicate minerals of K, Na, Al and Ca. In nature, feldspar is of three series which are alkali feldspar series, plagioclase series, baryta feldspar series. One is alkali feldspar series made by the mixture of Na feldspar and k feldspar, it includes Orthoclase ,Microcline, Sanidine, Adularia and Anorthoclase. The second is plagioclase made by mixture of Na feldspar and Ca feldspar. Currently plagioclase is divided into six kinds by sodium calcium ratio, and the An feldspar ratio is also the plagioclase brand Third one is baryta feldspar series, including baryta feldspar, deputy baryta feldspar,barium sodium feldspar and strontium feldspar Property: A1203: 9.78% Si02: 57.16% Fe203: 0.54% CaO: 9.92% K2O: 7.86% Na2O: 3.85% MgO: 3.8% Loss: 14.12% grade:200mesh,325mesh sieving rate: 97%