Sunflower meal - concentrated feed; byproduct of oil extraction production. It turns out after the extraction of oil from sunflower seeds with organic solvents in stills and evaporators .. Sunflower meal contains up to 1.5-2% of residual oil.
Sunflower meal - a valuable food, as part of which contains 30-43% crude protein, a rich set of amino acids, in particular high levels of methionine, which has a positive effect on the growth and development of young animals. Compared to the oil cake in the meal has a crude protein slightly larger, but less fat - not more than 1.5%.
Moisture max 11.0 %
Ash max 1.0 %
Fat (dry basis) max 2.0 %
Crude protein (as is) min 35.0 %
Fiber (dry basis) 23.0 – 26.0 %