Dial size100mm, & 150mm Accuracy11.5% and+2% of the f.s.d. ElementDiaphragm / Capsule Element materialCapsule: Brass/S.S.316 Diaphragm:S.S.316 / Teflon or Silver protected. Socket materialBrass / Stainless Steel Movement materialBrass / S.S.304/S.S.316 Lower ChamberCarbon Steel/SS 304/SS 316/ Any Spacial material (Only for diaphragm gauge) Case & BezelDie Cast Aluminium Weatherproof housing, with screwed outer bezel, stoved enamel black finish. M.S. Powder coated or 304 SS snap action bayonet type. Connection3/8M/2-BSP/NPT. T type flanges & Direct Flanges. As per ASA, ANSI, BS & DIN Standard. Flange materialCarbon Steel / SS 304 / SS 316 / any spacial material / Polyproplene/Teflon/PVC WindowGlass / Toughened Glass / safety glass Optional FeaturesSpecial graduation and range on dial, other thread connection and anti-corrosive epoxy coated black paint can be provided. Range-760 mmHg Vaccum and up to 21 Kg/sq.cm for diaphragm type " D " model & from 250mmwcUpto 10,000 mmwc for low pressure diaphragm type " LPD " model. Specifications For Compact Capsule : Dial size65mm, 100mm, 150mm Accuracy+ - 2% of f.s.d. Element CapsulePhosphor Bronze / S.S. 316 MovementBrass / S.S. 304 SocketBrass/S.S. 316 Case & BezelStainless Steel / Mild Steel with powder coated. ConnectionStandard WindowStandard Ranges60 mmWC up to 6000 m.mWC