Summary BR might reveal to have a prominent interest in the role of horticultural crops. Based on extensive research BR has the ability to improve the quantity and quality of horticultural crops and protect plants against many stresses that can be present in the local environment. With the many advances in technology dealing with the synthesis of more stable synthetic analogues and the genetic manipulation of cellular BR activity, using BR in the production of horticultural crops has become a more practical and hopeful strategy for improving crop yields and success. BR could also help bridge the gap of the consumers' health concerns and the producers need for growth. A major benefit of using BR is that it does not interfere with the environment because they act in natural doses in a natural way. Since it is a “plant strengthening substance” and it is natural, BR application would be more favorable than pesticides and does not contribute to the co-evolution of pests. In Germany, extract from the plant is allowed for use as a "plant strengthening substance". Advantages: BRs have been shown to be involved in numerous plant processes: Promotion of cell expansion and cell elongation; works with auxin to do so. It has an unclear role in cell division and cell wall regeneration. Promotion of vascular differentiation; BR signal transduction has been studied during vascular differentiation. Is necessary for pollen elongation for pollen tube formation. Acceleration of senescence in dying tissue cultured cells; delayed senescence in BR mutants supports that this action may be biologically relevant. Can provide some protection to plants during chilling and drought stress.