Amla Powder (Emblica Officinalis) Family Name: Euphorbiaceae Ayurvedic Properties: Rasa (Taste): All except salty taste, sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, Astringent five taste are present. Veerya (Potency): Cool Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect): Sweet Guna (Properties): Heavy, Dry, Cool Action (Karma): It helps to balance all the Tridosha (Three humors - Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Water)). It has Rejuvenating (Rasayna), Eye tonifying (Chakshusya) properties. Amla helps to promote energy for daily activities. It helps for building healthy Ojas (immune response) & is highly rejuvenating herb. AMLA The Amla tree is a middle sized deciduous tree found wild throughout topical India. The tree is extensively cultivated in many parts of India for its fruit. The Amla fruit is round in shape and light greenish yellow in color. Its primary taste is sour and astringent. Secondary tastes are sweet, bitter and pungent. Amla fruit is a tonic and coolant. If you drink water after eating Amla, it feels very cold and sweet. While all parts of the tree are used in ayurvedic preparation but it is the fruit which has the main value. AMLA IN AYURVEDA The Indian Gooseberry has been given a very important place in Ayurveda. In ancient India it was believed as heavenly nectar that contained all Tastes. Since it has five Tastes, in Ayurveda the Amla fruit is specifically mentioned as a great Rejuvenator that helps to protect people from problems and keeps away the manifestations of premature ageing. BENEFITS OF AMLA Excellent Source of Vitamin C: Amalaki is the most concentrated form of Vitamin C. It has 30 times more Vitamin C than an orange. It naturally boost up the energy & immunity. It helps in natural detoxification of body & naturally eliminate the toxins from the body. Amla powder is best for those people who have tendency to gain weight easily. It has ability to burn fat & keep you slim. It helps you lose weight faster. Regular intake of alcohol or any other medication cause toxin build up in the liver. Amla helps strengthen the liver & natural elimination for these toxins. Enhances Food Absorption: Regular use of Amla can strengthen digestion, absorption of food. People taking Amla daily enjoy the taste of food better. It enhances all thirteen digestive fires (Agni) So it can be taken by people with lot of Pitta dosha (Agni) without fear of creating excess stomach acid. It helps in healthy digestion of food. It helps to balance the acid that is formed in stomach. Amla for Skin: Amla helps to purify the Rasa Dhatu (Nutrient Fluid) and Rakta Dhatu (Blood). So, helps to improve complexion of skin. It moisturizes the skin & helps to enhance the glow & luster of skin.