Dolby Lake Processor Model LP4D12 4in 12out Loudspeaker Management Description: Dolby Lake Processor Model LP4D12 4in 12out Loudspeaker Management Today up for sale I have a Dolby Lake Processor Model LP4D12 4in 12out Loudspeaker Management. This unit is loaded with 1 x XLR 4 channel Input card and 3 x XLR 4 channel Output cards. The Dolby Lake Processor marked the next generation in digital loudspeaker and equalization technology. With unsurpassed audio quality and the most advanced loudspeaker processing available, it will improve the sound of any system. Effortless control is provided through the Dolby Lake Controller software, or the exclusive front-panel Portal metering and control interface. The Processor platform offers complete, native-digital signal processing functionality, with support for up to 4-in, 12-out loudspeaker applications and 8 in, 8-out EQ applications. The signal processing can also be changed to provide an EQ 4×4 configuration together with a loudspeaker 2×6 configuration. The Processor includes several advanced technologies for improving sound quality. These include Raised Cosine Equalization (the foundation underlying the Ideal Graphic EQ and Lake Mesa EQ interfaces), plus linear phase crossovers, LimiterMax loudspeaker protection, and Iso-Float ground isolation.