Pigeon netting - knotted and extruded pattern to keep pigeons away
What the pigeons takes us?
They are not loud and certainly not aggressive and dangerous. But they make nest and lay eggs in the balconies or roof. Their droppings create an non-hygienic environment and pollute the atmosphere, and when they are dry, it will leave behind a residue that takes a bit of scrubbing to remove. What¡¡¥ more, these dropping may cause the spread of several disease which are dangerous to human body.
For the cleaning and neat of the balconies, roofs and other places, and for the health of our families, we must take measures to solve it. Pigeon netting is an effective solution to help to get rid of this menace and protect balconies and roofs against pigeons without damaging them. It can be used in homes, residential complex, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, resorts and air craft hangers.