Pigeon netting - knotted and extruded pattern to keep pigeons away What the pigeons takes us? They are not loud and certainly not aggressive and dangerous. But they make nest and lay eggs in the balconies or Minimal stretch or sag. Nearly invisible. Netting is barely visible at a distance. Economical. Extruded bird netting is cheaper than the knotted pigeon netting. Knotted pigeon netting is installed over the roofs of the industry building Knotted pigeon netting can prevent pigeons from nestinga piece of hdpe knotted pigeon netting is installed on the balcony Knotted pigeon netting can prevent pigeons from nesting or dropping on the balconynylon knotted pigeon netting is installed in residential complex Nylon knotted pigeon netting is installed in residential complexa piece of extruded pigeon netting is installed on the balcony Extruded pigeon netting can keep the balcony free from the pigeon