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From Campofelice Di Roccella, Italy
Niger, 650, is, a, water-­soluble, fertilizer, with, Humic, and, fulvic, acids, and, a, high, formulation, of, mineral, components,, containing, Nitrogen, in, ammoniacal, and, nitrical, form,, Phosphor, (P2O5),, Potassium, (K2O), and, chelated, micro-­elements, make, this, product, extremely, complete, for, plant, nutrition., the, formulation, of, Niger, 650, is, particularly, indicated, in, the, first, vegetative, phases, as, it, stimulates, sprouting, and, rooting, of, the, plants., By, using, Niger, the, plant, development, is, regular, and, balanced, thanks, to, a, complete, and, well, studied, ratio, of, the, nutritive, elements,, which, promotes, the, setting, of, the, plants, also, under, difficult, climatic, conditions.,
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