Dehydrated garlic powder, dehydrated garlic powder, organoletic properties, quality clean material free from pests, foreign matters and any additives, taste typical of fresh garlic, colour off white to creamy white, aroma typical of fresh garlic, laboratory analysis, moisture content 6% max., ash content3%. Max., acid insoluble ash 0.5% max., MAOR defects 1% max., so2nil, microbiological quality, T.P.C. < 200, 000/gm, coliforms< 100/gm, e.Coliabsent in 1 gm, molds < 1000/gm, yeasts< 1000/gm, salmonellaabsent in 25 gm, bacillus cereus < 10/gm, staphylococcus Aureus absent in 1 gm. 20 kg PP bag.