RCS series of frequency conversion for current transformer is develop by our company and the well-known research institute after many years of cooperation.The product has the characteristics of current can be measured in real time, fast response, not saturated and almost no phase error, so it can applies to large current situation such as variable frequency speed control, relay protection, silicon controlled, resistance welding and electric furnace, short-circuit test, lightning signal acquisition and so on. The product output is the AC voltage signal which is proportional to the measured current, output no longer connected sampling resistor circuit.The product is the traditional transformer and Holzer transformer ideal substitute products. High linearity Wide dynamic range No danger from open-circuited secondary Not damaged by large overloads No magnetic hysteresis/No magnetic saturation Low consumption and low thermal losses. Rated current(rms) : 200A Rated output(Full scale FS): 4Vrms Output limit: 300%FS Operating temperature range -25J to +70J Bandwidth: 1Hz to 100kHz Phase shift: 900.1 degrees Accuracy: 0.3% of reading(5% to 150% FS,25J) Temperature Sensitivity : 0.05% per C.