The design conforms to Chinese standard GB/T 12706-2002 and I EC60502. The product series include 3.6/6kV to 26/35kV single-core and 3-core XLPE insulated power cables. XLPE insulated cables is working at 90. It has good electrical performance, simple structure, small diameter, light weight, easy using without level difference limit. The company has the advanced dry XLPE triple-layer production line. The whole line is controlled by computer with advanced alignment-free extruder to control thickness of the inner and outer layer as well as co-centricity, and keep the good quality. Use conditions 1. Ambient temperature is not lower than 0 (should be pre-heated if lower than 0)not limit of level difference 2. Min. bending radius of installation Single-core without armoring:20D 3-core without armoring:15D Single-core with armoring:15D 3-core with armoring:12D (Dis the outer diameter of the cable) 3. Cable working temperature: PVC sheath not more than 90, PE sheath not more than 80 4. The maximum rated temperature is 90,not more than 250 in the case of short-circuit(1astin9 5s max.) 5. One or two single-core cable is not allowable laid up in the iron pipes.