A cubical shell drier, which is a customized design based on the applications, temperature requirement for these applications vary from 100C to 300C. Driers are also designed with Direct and Indirect type Driers. Drier is lined with Refractory and Insulation brick/ Glass wool insulations to hold the Temperature up to 600 C. Driers will have two chambers in case of indirect type drier. The chambers are firing and Heating Chambers. If in case of Direct type drier, the re circulation fan must be used for the forced heat transfer. Advantages : Our Furnaces are designed in such a way to reduce the Fuel Consumption. Our furnaces are lined with both refractory bricks and Ceramic fibre modules, in such a way to pass the flue Gas around the material to be heated, enabling high conduction convection and Radiation heat transfer. Combustion/Heating Equipments are designed to meet the requirements of furnace and Heat transfer rate. Burner will be positioned inclined to an angle, so that the flame/flue skips on the surface of the material. Better heat transfer rate through circulation and Re-circulation. Our furnaces are designed for skin temperature of 65C (Maximum). Optional accessories : Pre heating the scrap before charging can be done. Recuperator to pass the combustion air into the burner at a temperature of 150C (minimum) for fuel saving upto 40%.