Borax Pentahydrate (48) is a salt of boric acid, which is used as a component in manufacturing glass, pottery and ceramics. We source Borax Pentahydrate from Eti Bor A.S., Turkey and supply it in 50 kg HDPE bags. Chemical analysis: Element : Content B2O3 : TYPICAL 48.50 MIN 48.00 SiO2 : 0.0230 Fe2O3 : 0.0035 Al2O3 : 0.0240 CaO: 0.0250 MgO : 0.0080 Nacl : 0.0030 Na2S04 : 0.0150 Na2O : 21.6000 Insoluble in Water: 0.01 Bulk Density kg/dm3 : 1.06. 50 kg HDPE bags.