The Company is located in Campania, in Southern Italy. This is the area that provides the source for Mozzarella di Bufala Campana - a pure, fresh cheese obtained directly by processing 100% whole milk from carefully selected buffalos reared on the best farms and from livestock raised in semi-free-range conditions and fed on grass, corn, fodder, hay, bran and straw.
The organization owns a factory equipped with the most up-to-date equipment. This facility extends over an area of around 2,000 sq metres with a further 8,000 sq metres used for loading and unloading, car parking, etc.
The Company main product is Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP in various shapes and sizes:
- balls from 25-500g
- plaits from 125-500g.
- special formats on request up to 3kg in weight.
The Company also produces
- fresh, homogenized and pasteurized ricotta,
- butter
exclusively made from buffalo’s milk.
Quality in the broadest sense of the term really is the main objective of the Company: quality of the product, quality of customer service, quality of raw materials, all complemented by an unflagging dedication to customer satisfaction.
With a view to reaching this objective, the Company has attained the following quality certifications:
- ISO (the International Organization for Standardization), Standard ISO 9001
- The Company is subject to a very stringent HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system, thus allowing its products to be exported to countries including France, Germany and the United States, where there are extremely strict regulations on the permission to import goods.
- As a member of the Consortium for the Protection of Buffalo Mozzarella of Campania with PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) status, the organization is subject to further product certification.
- BRC (British Retail Consortium)
- IFS (International Food Standard)
- The Company also complies with the provisions as laid down by regulation CE 178/2002 concerning product traceability along the production chain.
The Company wishes to get in touch with importers and wholesalers interested in high quality and certified milk products from Southern Italy.
Target Countries: Russia, China, Australia.