Modulation mode: GFSK/FSK
Working frequency: 420.00í½450.30/860~875/910~925MHz
Output power: 17dBm(50mW)
Receiving sensitivity: -115 í½ -118dBm
Channels: 8/16/32
Transmitting current: í_100mA
Receiving current: í_30mA
Sleeping current: í_20mA
Interface rate: 1,200/2,400/4,800/9,600/19,200bps
Interface mode: UART TTL, RS-232 and RS-485
Power supply: DC +3.3 to 5V
Working temperature: -25íµ to 80íµ
Working humidity: 10% to 90%
Dimension: 47 x 26 x 10mm
Reliable transmit distance (AT-4 antenna): 1,200m
Communication mode: half-duplex
Network topology: point to point and point to multi-point.