SST100 Tilt Sensor for pipe pusher Measurement Tunneling process: 1) Measuring attitude of pipe pusher (Recommend Products: SST100SST200) 2) Measuring attitude of shield machine (Recommend Products: SST400SST2203) 3) Measuring attitude of guidance system (Recommend Products: SST400SST2203) 4) Measuring attitude of Heading (Recommend Products: 2D-laser target, 3D-laser target) Monitoring the construction quality: 1) Monitoring tunnel deformation (Recommend Products: Tilt Beam sensorSST400SST2203) 2) Monitoring tunnel subside (Recommend Products: Tilt Beam sensor) Monitoring buildings surroundi ng tunnel. 1)Monitoring soil horizontal displacement (Recommend Products: Stationary inclinometerSliding inclinometer) 2)Monitoring buildings tilt (Recommend Products: SST400) 3)Monitoring soil subside (Recommend Products: Tilt Beam sensor) 1Measuring the attitude of Construction Machinery Body. In the application of pipe jacking tunneling machine, our SST100/200 are widely used to measuring theattitude of pipe jacking machine body, and ithas beensuccessfullybulksupply. The SST100/200 typical characteristic: 1)Low cost, fast delivery for batch supply. 2)Good durable, strong ability for Anti electromagnetic interference. 3)High measurement accuracy: 0.05 4)Can be normal work in the mud environment for a long time. 2Monitoring the attitude of Guidance System. In the Guidance System of tunnel construction equipment, our SST400/SST2203 tilt sensors are successfully use in Laser target (2D, 3D) of Guidance System. It better help to achieve more high accuracy guidance control. The typical characteristic of SST300/400 tilt sensor are: 1)High precision and high stability. 2)Accuracy: 0.0028, OR more high measurement accuracy =0.0005 3)Strongabilitytoresistvibrationandelectromagneticinterference. 4)A built-in type(SST400), 79*35*27mm. 5)A External type(SST2203), IP68 protection. 3Measuring Heading. During the tunnel construction, measuring the heading attitude is the key factors for driving. 2D/3D Laser target is the optimal measurement equipment. The typical characteristic as bellow: 1)It is suitable for damp and dark environment of tunnel. 2)The Measurementaccuracy for displacement is 1mm. 3)The Measurementaccuracy for heading is 1mm/m. 4)Its without strict requirements for spot size. 5)The effectivemeasurementarea is 80*100mm. 6)StrongresistancetovibrationandEMI. 7)It can be optionaloutputpitch/rollangledata simultaneously