Number : JJ-688.1 " Worcester Circuit Board " * Consists of a base board, complete with terminals, a set of metal connection pillars and a number of clips on flexible connection strips and accessory units, enabling a wide variety of electrical circuits to be constructed quickly and easily. The phosphor-bronze strips are so designed that when flexed a little in the fingers, they are easily slipped over the pass where their natural spring holds them firmly in position and ensures a good electrical contact. * The following components are supplied with each board. 20 Flash lamp bulbs, 1.25V, 0.25A, 9 Connectors with lamp holder, 12 Plain connectors. 1 Connector with rheostat, 1 Rectifier, 1 Resistor, 2 Flexible leads with 4mm plug and crocodile clip, 2 Flexible leads with crocodile clips, 2 Crocodile clips, 2 Mounted bell pushes, 2 Soft iron nails, 50mm Square head, 1 Length bare copper wire 20 swg, 1 Length bare Eureka wire 34 swg, 1 Length plastic covered copper wire 26 swg, 1 Plastic disc, drilled, 1 Pencil leads, 1 Piece copper foil, 1 piece steel wool. The standard pack is one complete set as detailed above, sufficient for two students. Number : JJ-691.1 " Water Circuit Board " * Consists of a base board, complete with terminals a set of a metal connection pillars and a number of clips on of metal connection strips and accessories units, enabling a wide variety of electrical circuits to be constructed quickly and easily. The phosphor û bronze strips are so designed that when flexed a little in the fingers, they are easily slipped over the pass where their natural spring holds them firmly in position and ensures a good electrical contact. The following components are supplied with each board. 20 Flash Lamps Bulbs,1.25 V, 0.25A, 9 Connectors with lamp holder, 12 Plain connectors. 1Connector rheostat, 1Rectifier, 1Resistor, 2Flexible leads with crocodile clips, 2 Crocodile clips, 2 mounted bell pushes, 2soft iron nails, 50mm Square head, 1length bare copper wire 20swg, 1 length bare eureka wire 34 swg, 1 Length plastic covered copper wire. * The standard pack is one complete set of detailed above, sufficient for two students.