Stainless Steel Thread Tee Stainless steel threaded tees are designed to allow a line to be split into two lines with a connection that is at a 90-degree angle. Made of stainless steel, this type of tee offers excellent corrosion resistance, making it suitable for use in a wide range of environments, including those with exposure to moisture or harsh chemicals. Description A stainless steel threaded tee is a pipe fitting used to connect three pipes at a junction, forming a T-shape. The tee typically has female threads on all three ends, allowing for easy installation by screwing onto male-threaded pipes or fittings. Made of stainless steel, this type of tee offers excellent corrosion resistance, making it suitable for use in a wide range of environments, including those with exposure to moisture or harsh chemicals. SS tees are designed to allow a line to be split into two lines with a connection that is at a 90-degree angle. It can also be used to connect two lines into one main line when mixing chemicals. It's commonly used in plumbing, industrial, and construction applications where durability and reliability are essential. All threads are qualified and fittings are acid cleaned to ensure they are free from swarf and contaminants. 150 pound pressure rating.