PLD8000C Dynamic FPD Radiography and Fluoroscopy System Features Benefits Selfdeveloped ultrahigh frequency and high voltage generator Good Xray source Strong penetration ability Lowdose radiation Stable performance Highquality image High efficiency Flexible flat panel detector Standard highresolution dynamic flatpanel Removable dual grid Removable grid for reducing radiation Designed for pediatrics Highquality Xray tube Large heat capacity High rotate speed of Xray tube Suitable for long time and highintensity work Have long service life High Performance and Intelligent Easily ascending and descending ascend or descend ina large range low ground clearance convenient to move patients reduce patients pain Table Rises and falls freely Wide liting range special angiographic examination Lower dose to protect doctors and patients Free column movement Large Scale movement of detector radiography of different body parts Free stretching SID can electrically strech to 18m meet the needs of special clinical radiography High Performance and Intelligent Pulse fluoroscopy Instant exposure reduce image noise and improve clarity reduce the radiation dose DAP Optional Intelligent radiation dose monitoring Care for the health of patients and doctors Simultaneous monitoring with backend interconnection Automatic stitching function Optional Correction of panoramic photography reliable diagnosis basis for clinic AEC Optional High level ionization chambrer Intelligent control of exposure more efficient Intelligent control of light sensitivity Intelligent operation Intelligent workstation with humanized design Intelligent control intuitive display fficient and fast The system can be maintained remotely it can perform fault selfdiagnosis and display the fault code quickly and accurately determine the fault status and has selfprotection function lt can share information with PACS system bring benefits for remote diagnosis