FOXBORO FBM214 for power station have power plant professional accessories, non-standard pieces, to spare parts for processing. Only need to figure the number of other companies need drawings and drawings number. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. has a good talent pool, the company is developing, you need to support, in order to witness its growth. can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: DF-FOXBORO FBM214-DF LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors TDZ-1-24 thermocouple k TE-304 displacement transducer ZDET-250B k-type thermocouple WREX-001 Shaft Speed Sensors DF6101 rotation sensor ZS-03 L=75 Thermocouple Cylindrical sensor WRNK2-231 lvdt linear position sensor TD-6-3124 Platinum-Iridium Wire WREKD2-04 full form of lvdt 1000TDGN Pressure Switch 4NN-K5-M4-CIA Magnetic Speed Sensors DF2018 thermocouple WRNK2-292 rotation sensor BI2-M12-AN6X thermocouple wzpk 230 pt100 TE-203 Pressure Switch 12NN-K5-N4-B1A 5000 rpm torque sensor CS-03 displacement inductive sensor FRD.WJA2.601H rtd temperature WZPM2-201T FBM214 lvdt probe RPM Sensor magnetic CS-1 D-100-02-01 LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors HTD-150-3 rotation sensor K-FC01 lvdt 0-300 ZD-10000TDB lvdt full form LVDT Measurement TDZ-1-100 lvdt probe ZDET-150B digital rpm sensor and meters D421.52U1 Sheathed thermocouple TE-305 linear displacement sensor DET600A lvdt probe TD-1G Probe 18745-04 RPM Indicator D421.51UI turbine speed sensor CS-1 L=100 lvdt displacement sensor HL-3-500-15 Pressure Switch RC778NZ097H Magnetic Pick-up Speed Sensor QBJ-CS-1 L=75 sensor lvdt B151.36.09G03 Resistance thermometer WZPK2336 thermocouple replacement WRN-230 industrial displacement sensor DET200A output speed sensor CS-1-G-065-06-01 lvdt 0-300 B151.36.09G47 displacement inductive sensor speed sensor cost CS-1 L=100 sensor lvdt 400TD Platinum Wire WRNK2-292 type k thermocouple WREK2-334 5mm speed meter sensor CS-3-L200 lvdt probe 199T.319Z sensor de rpm DF2018 unit of thermal resistance WZP-280 thermal resistance tester WZPK2-16A LVDT Position Sensors DET-500A lvdt 0-300 ZDET-500B FOXBORO FBM214 DFYL-2023-5-6-ZYR