Having botanical name Myristica Fragrans, Mace Oleo offered has origin in India and has brownish red color and is a free-flowing liquid with solubility in alcohol and oils and insoluble in water. Extracted using solvent extraction process, the end product is obtained by solvent extraction of dried flowers of Myristica fragrance van Houtte. The solvent is a semisolid, waxy material with odor and taste that are characteristic of nutmeg. Also known by the name of Nutmeg, Myristicia Fragrans Houtt, it has chemical constituents including Hexane or Isopropyl Alcohol and is mainly used as spice and seasoning mix for food products. As the oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing, it has in it analgesic, anti-septic, anti-oxidant and digestive properties and can be perfectly blended with essential oils like geranium, rosemary, oak, moss, lime and other spice oils.