We offer liquid organic and mineral-organic fertilizers depending on your needs. Intended for soil nutrition and sub-root, extra-root feeding of cereals, legumes, all fruit and vegetable crops, trees, plants, flowers throughout their entire development cycle. The main advantages of use: - 1 ton of biofertilizers is enough for 50 ha; - The content of humic acids in biofertilizers in dry matter ranges from 13% to 28%; - Acceleration of plant growth and development, shortening of the growing season, earlier ripening by 8-10 days; - Increase in the yield of agricultural crops by 20 - 40%; - Increasing the resistance of plants to adverse environmental conditions: drought, high and low temperatures, toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals. Composition of biofertilizers: Total nitrogen - 5.57%, incl. ammonium nitrogen - 0.8%; Phosphorus - 2.57% ; Potassium - 6.9% ; Copper - 3.2 mg/l ; Zinc - 3.63 mg/l ; Manganese - 6.6 mg/l; Cobalt - 0.03 mg/l ; Iron - 20.66 mg/l. The cost of mineral biofertilizers depends on the composition and volume of fertilizers. Each batch has a Certificate of Conformity.