Chemicals are indeed an essential ingredient to successful aquaculture, which has been used in various forms for centuries. Aquaculture chemicals can be classified by the purpose of use, the type of organisms under culture, the life cycle stage for which they are used, the culture system and intensity of culture, and by the type of people who use them. Chemicals and antibiotics are important components in health management of aquatic animal, pond construction, soil and water management, improve natural aquatic productivity, transportation of live fish, feed formulation, manipulation of reproduction, growth promotion and processing and value addition of the final product. The chemicals used most widely in aquaculture are liming materials and fertilizers. Liming materials are mainly agricultural limestone and lime. The most common chemical fertilizers are superphosphate, triple superphosphate, and urea but several other compounds are used. An array of other chemicals including oxidants, coagulants, osmoregulators, algicides, herbicides, fish toxicants, antifoulants, therapeutants, disinfectants, anesthetics, agricultural pesticides, and hormones also are used in aquaculture. Chemicals used in aquaculture can enter natural waters to cause water pollution. Some chemicals pose a danger to farm workers through potential toxicity or as fire and explosion hazards, and residues of certain chemicals may contaminate aquaculture products and present a food safety concern. As a major distributer for this sector we directly serve all major aquaculture markets, we have deliberately chosen to build our client base and emerging / growing markets to stay in touch with the major and fastest growing markets in aquaculture. The fact that we manage our sourcing and distribution guarantees complete control of the entire process and allows for a flawless quality service and products offering. DEWY CHEMICALS has now ventured into development and marketing a range of multipurpose cleaning products for use in residential, commercial, industrial, Hospitality and Food Service applications and other advanced technological products that are used as Anti â?? Corrosion in Fabrication of Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Water Proofing, Road Infrastructure, Furniture etc . Each product has been engineered to remove even the toughest of Corrode, grease and soiling from a wide variety of Industrial applications. All our products have been designed to reduce costs, multi-use, and are sustainable and most importantly GREEN Chemicals that are not harmful to Environment