Botanical Name - Eupatorium Common Name - Eupatorium Other Name - Boneset Part Used - Leaves Uses - Textile Dyeing And Medicinal Purposes . Eupatorium is product of eupatorium perfoliatum known as common boneset. It is also called agueweed, feverwort, or sweating-plant. It is nearly always found in low, wet areas. E. perfoliatum leaves and roots contain mixed phytochemicals, including polysaccharides (containing xylose and glucuronic acid), tannins, volatile oil, sesquiterpene lactones, sterols, triterpenes, alkaloids, and various flavonoids, such as quercetin, kaempferol, and caffeic acidTannin are present in eupatorium leaves and bark also. It is mostly use in traditional medicine like dengue and fever And in textile purpose. Eupatorium give a light Yellow shade on cotton with alum. Eupatorium powder Easily soluble in water.