Product description The Portable single-phase electric meter Test Equipment is used for grid corporation of measurement and energy test center, management department of power supply bureau, national energy measurement of testing authorities, and also used to test each kind of single phase kWh meter of industries and mining enterprises as well as electric meter manufacturers. Meanwhile, the calibrator also can be used as one high precision standard power source, ac voltage source and current source. Technical index Electrical parameters Accuracy class 0.05%, 0.1% Power Supply One Phase AC 100-265V, frequency 50/60Hz. AC Voltage Output Range 57.7V, 100V, 220V, 380V; max 500V Adjustment range (0-120)%RG(1) Adjustment 0.01%RG, 0.1%RG, 1%RG, 10%RG as optional. Stability 0.01%/120s Electrical parameters - continued Distortion 0.2% (Non-capacitive load) Output load max 25VA Measuring accuracy 0.05%RG AC Current Output Range 200mA, 1A, 5A, 20A, 60A(100A) optional; max 120A Adjustment range (0-120)%RG Adjustment 0.01%RG, 0.1%RG, 1%RG, 10%RG as optional. Stability