Flat plastic bags on roll is one of popular bags for food storage. Currently, there are many types of materials used to produce this type of bags. At Hanpak, we can make this bag with HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, PBAT as per customer's request. Every type of materials has different advantages and disadvantages. In case customers donot know which option is best for their demand, Hanpak can propose best choice for suitable.
Normally, this kind of bag has transparent color. However, some customers want different colors such as translucent, green, blue, yellow, etc. It's very simple because we just need to add a little masterbatch color while mixing material.
Furthermore, several buyers want to print on the bags with their logo or any information to promote their store or products. Itâ??s really easy because we can print total 8 colors on 2 sides in maximum.
In case customers need to expand the volume of bags without changing the width of bag, we can design it with side gussets.