The Medjool is naturally a sweet fleshy type of semi dry dates and is considered to be the King of all dates. Dates are seasonal fruits that are cultivated at the end of the summer season; therefore, the supply of the fresh, plump, and juicy dates is limited, whereas the semi dried dates, so called â??�ª�?�±â?? in Arabic, or â??Tumerâ?? in English are available throughout the year. Medjool Dates is an oval- semi cylindrical shaped fruit, with medium to dark brown color, and a length that ranges between 3-6 centimeters, a diameter that ranges between 2-3 centimeters, and a moisture content that ranges between 17% to 30� %. Our Medjool dates are classified or graded into premium and delight according to their skin separation, in addition each class is sorted in accordance to 5 different sizes.