Features Fun Kids Hopper Sports Custom Color PVC Fitness Exercise Board Balance Jumping Pogo Ball Inflatable Lolo Bouncy Ball Race your friends on these new colourful Lolo Balls. Great for improving balance and fitness. Reinforced plastic platform with an inflatable durable PVC ball.The welcome return of something many of us remember hopping about on during the 80s, when it was sold under several names including Pogo Ball. The tough rubber ball is inflated within the platform that is then stood on to bounce, hop and jump about. Great fun as well as good exercise - no child should be without one. Colours may vary .So far youâ??ve seen the Pogo Stick and the Hopper Ball. Allow us to introduce, if you are not familar, The Pogo Ball! Not to be confused with the traditional Pogo Stick. The Pogo ball is a much different toy and less expensive. It consists of a Saturn-shaped inflatable ball sitting between 2 plastic standing plates. While Pogo Ball may be old-school fun it never gets old. If youâ??re interested in getting your child/children outside and more active this would be a great place to start. Even standing up against smartphones, game systems and the World Wide Web. Pogo Ball remains a family favorite. In spite of the learning curve they are easy to operate. Since Pogo Balls donâ??t have a lot of spring and do require balance. Children under 6 years old arenâ??t likely to enjoy it as much as an older child would. If youâ??re looking for a jump favorite toy for younger children, consider a hopper ball, bounce house, or a trampoline. Once children have mastered the Hopper then they will have greater success with the Pogo Ball. Packing Including:1 deflated ball,1 oval disc,1 hand inflation pump,1 needle