Nanotechnological Long Lasting Water Based Disinfectant Its effectiveness is up to 30 days depending on the usage frequency and wear conditions of the surface being applied to. Zone Shield physicall destroys all types of bacteria, viruses and disease-causing microorganisms, including hospital microbes. It also prevents formation of mold, fungus and algae. In addition, Zone Shield can easily be applied to all kinds of surfaces such as textile products, ceramics, glass, wood, plastics, concrete, steel, rubber and leather. After each application, it provides effective and long-term antimicrobial protection on surfaces in a few minutes. When in contact, the surface is protected by Zone Shield, the cell membrane of the microbe is broken down and its life is ended. Thus, germs cannot attach onto the surface under protection, they cannot settle and spread by forming colonies. The operating system of Zone Shield is mechanical. By this way, it does not let microbes mutate and form super microbes by re-adapting the environment. The operating system of Zone Shield is fast, efficient, safe and long-term.