Our business is located in Cyprus, Larnaca Aradippou area and due to lack of successor we are in the position to proceed to sell or rent our Agriculture machinery factory workshop with a lot of stock inventory ready machines and stationary workshop machines. Our premises are 4.181 square meters. Note that we are open to discussion for investment - co operation ideas, renting or selling as we have many lucrative patents in mind as we are in Agriculture business 57 years now achieving a lot in Agriculture. We currently can offer international unique ideas and patents that can be very profitable and good for the place now and the near future. We have the technical expertise and the know-how. We need a willing investor to seek this opportunity and to understand that the only way business to survive is to invest in food production and tangible product, business. We are willing and able to discuss any questions you may have and to reply to any necessary documentation. For serious interests and investors please contact us through email. Thank you in advance.