on the hills of the Parma Apennines, within the typical production area of Parma Ham. These areas of the Apennines are the essential element for the creation of a ham that preserves the fragrance, flavor and authenticity of the past. A landscape where you can breathe that dry and fragrant air, coming from the sea, which creates that particular microclimate that is the basic condition of the natural drying and curing process of hams. Product care is the fundamental element. Each fresh pork leg, comes from farms recognized by the Consortium regulations, is salted by hand so that it receives the right amount of salt. Subsequently, the ham is stored for a certain period in refrigerators and then transferred to the aging rooms where it acquires flavor and fragrance.
Whole ham cured and then boned. The ingredients used are exclusively pork legs and salt, without the use of any type of nitrate or preservative. Vacuum packed and then boxed, the weight is about 7.5 / 8 kg.
Half boneless ham under vacuum branded Parma
Half cured ham and subsequently boned, proposed in the most convenient package for family consumption. Vacuum packed, the weight is about 4 Kg.
Cured ham on the bone, it is packaged in boxes and the weight is about 9.5 / 10 Kg.