The market of window isolation is rapidly changing. Not only are end consumers demanding better isolation (e.g. passive building). Governments are also imposing higher isolation standards. As market leader in Insulation aluminum profile, wangeshi has anticipated this drastic market evolution. Thanks to the extensive experience which wangeshi has gained over the past 15 years,WGS is able to offer superior technology to boost your thermal break assembly. the most efficient machine for thermal break assembly in the industry, allows you to knurl, to insert isolation strips and to roll to assemble aluminium profiles for windows and curtain walls. Material: aluminium profile, pa66 POLYAMIDE strip 1.Knurling machine Knurling is the first step in the production process, produce teeth in aluminum cavity that will "bite" into thestripduring crimping process to insure guarantee shear strength of the composite profile 2.strip feeding ,machine Thread the strip into the groove of the aluminium,the? two knurled extrusions held together by thermal strip, this loose assembly gets transferred to the crimp or rolling machine 3.3: Rolling machine(Crimping machine): The crimping process uses three sets of rollers, which put pressure on the aluminum groove and heat insulation tape.To mechanically lock it in place, forming a bond between the two extrusions and the insulating strip. The assembled aluminum strut profiles then act as a composite to transfer loads. over 500kg of pressure is applied in stages to crimp the aluminum. The first set of wheels applies 50 of the pressure while the decond set applies 100 percent. The third set of wheels help to straighten the extrusion and completes the crimping process