Good Day, My name is Dr. Nicole Berryhill and my company represents a Tier One Refinery Allotment Holder who can easily and reliably fill your petroleum product supply needs as requested. I am very happy to send over the refinery mandate's authorization info, the refinery info and performance documents, any fuel specs I have on hand, etc. The Allotment Holder we work with actually ran for congress at one point, so you may even recognize the name. In any event, I can assure you that if they have reviewed the procedures set forth by the refinery (see sanitized SCO here: ) and can execute them in a timely manner, you will be very happy with your result. Our only goal is to provide a smooth, reliable supply for our clients. It's taken a long time to build sustainable, reliable and legitimate relationships and we 100% stand by them. If you would like to proceed, I suggest you first sign our NCND and then send this email over to any end buyer you may have for their review. Once the end buyer (if you are not the end buyer) has reviewed this email, I ask them to also sign our NCND. At that point, I will send over any and all verification I have on hand. Please find our NCND for your digital signature here: Once completed, you will receive a copy of the signed document for your own records, as well as a confirmation email & text so you can access the document at any time during our work together. Since this is our first time working together, if you require FOB deliveries, I will need to verify your TSA to ensure there is an existing tank farm relationship. With that, I am happy to make the proper introduction to the refinery allotment holder and the two of you can go from there. I require tank farm relationship verification prior to introductions because Step #3 in the procedures does require signature by buyer, seller and tank farm to verify there is somewhere for the fuel to go upon successful dip & pay. I do not want to waste your time or the allotment holder's time if this will be a stumbling block. This is fairly standard with refineries as I am sure, being a seasoned buyer, you are aware. I thank you again for reaching out in response to our profile. I look forward to working with you long-term and to much mutual success.