Dill is a herbaceous annual with pinnately divided leaves. The ripe, light brown seeds emit an aromatic odour. The leaves have a pleasant aroma and a warm taste. Both seeds and leaves are valued as spices. European dill (Anetheumgraveolens) is native to Europe and is grown in England, Germany, Romania, Turkey, the United States, and Russia. The Indianandill (Anetheumsowa), which is native to Northern India, is larger than the European dill. It is cultivated as a cold-weather crop in many parts of India. Dill seed is used both whole and ground as a condiment in soups, salads, processed meats, sausages, and pickling. Dill stems and blossom heads are used for dill pickles. The essential oil is used in the manufacture of soaps. Both seeds and oil are used in traditional medicinal preparations. The emulsion of Dill oil in water is an aromatic carminative.