Oligoplites Saurus
Also known as the Oligoplites Saurus it is a species from the family Carangidae. The largest variety of the same is around 1 foot long. In most cases is found in the shallow waters of areas like Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast. You would find them in Australian, and Pacific and Indian oceans as well. It has spines located in front of its anal fin and the sting that they give using the same can hurt anyone.
Some features of the Oligoplites Saurusmake it different from the others. They have a small mouth with beak-like teeth and sandpaper type of skin. There are small gill openings and a serrated spine which is seen on top of the head. The species is found in the weight range of 1 kg but some of the rare varieties can grow up to 3 kg weight too.
Usually, the Oligoplites Saurusis capable of eating small fish and shrimp and thus it finds its place in the predator category. In the initial phases, the Oligoplites Sauruswas not considered worth eating. However, now large scale farming of the same has started happening and this encouraged its consumption as well. The Oligoplites Saurushas a soft and oily taste and appears quite similar to the Bluefish.