Be one of the lucky ones to sell the best quality Rambutan to your customers. This Rambutan will open many new doors for you and your company, and your current customers will be happy you are their provider. The season is starting so call us now and tell us how many pallets you could use a week.
Our Rambutan is produced and shipped directly from our farms and facilities in Honduras and Guatemala, we are certified and comply with the most rigorous standards required by United States, Canada, Europe and other continents.
Let us know how many pallets you can use a week to accommodate.
Our Rambutan is packed in 5 lbs. boxes in order to sell to retailers. Also, for you to sell conveniently to wholesalers we put 6 of those 5 lbs. boxes in a Master case(30 lbs.)
Don't miss this opportunity, Act Now by replying here or privately today.