-Belgium Blue
-Eurupean Crosess
Meat is the most valuable livestock product with a constantly growing global demand. This provides significant opportunities but also challenges for the beef cattle farmers. Factors, such as feeding, age, genetics and health status have significant impact on the standard and quality of meat produced.
Hunland offers a range of different beef cattle breeds for profitable fattening and slaughtering, taking into account geographic location, diverse climatic conditions and natural environment. Three categories can be distinguished among most popular breeds:
Beef cattle that tend to intensive weight gain, from calving to slaughter the bulls quickly reach the required condition, i.e. Aberdeen-Angus, Hereford etc. have more juicy and fatty meat.
Beef cattle that tend to gain weight slower and is suitable for grazing hence with minimal feeding costs. The bulls reach the required weight condition at about 1,5 - 2,0 years of age. This meat is leaner, with different stages of marbling, i.e. Charolais.
Crossbreed beef cattle resulting from crossing domestic and wild breeds, which have good tendency to early maturation and are generally better adapted to a hot climate.
Supplier: Calves for fattening and slaughter
Services: Export
Buyer: Calves
Supplier: Fattened slaughter cattle.
Buyer: Copra meal
Supplier: Livestock. we supply our partners with open and in calf dairy and beef breed heifers for breeding also beef and dairy breed fattening and slaughter animals.
Supplier: Live feeder cattle, steer cattle, heifer cattle, calves, bulls, fattening cattle, slaughter cattle.,, breeds of cattle: beefmaster, charolais, simmental, black angus, red angus, brangus, santa gertrudis, hereford, limousin, cebu brahman, belgian blue, gelbvieh. among other breeds of cattle.,, forages: alfalfa hay, alfalfa hay pellet/cube, wheat hay, sorghum hay, sudan hay, oats hay