Premium softness.
Suitable for cotton, synthetics and their blends, both woven and knits.
Easy to dilute.
Premium softness. Suitable for cotton, synthetics and their blends, both woven and knits. Durable. Easy to dilute. Economical.
Silicone sofener for durable soft finish.
Silicone sofener for durable soft dry handle to cotton.
Premium silicone softener for cotton
Premium durable silky soft handle to cotton, synthetics and their blends. Offers very luxuriant handle and limpness to fabrics. APEO / NPEO free.
Durable elastomeric handle to cotton and its blends. Excellent bouncy softness to treated fabrics. APEO / NPEO free.
Silicone softener for very good surface smoothness. Ideal for drum washing.Durable silky soft handle to cotton and its blends.
Premium soft handle to cotton, synthetics and their blends. Ideal durable softener for polyester fabrics. APEO / NPEO free.
Silicone sofener for silky handle with good drape.