. 6 Months warranty on used units, 12 Months warranty on new units
. T/T 100% Payment in AdvanceÂ
. Order before 14.00 CET and we normally ship the same day
. Worldwide shipping
. Contact us for a quote
The rich function block library includes several types of control loops, including advanced control and auto- tune capabilities as well as integration for ABB drives and motors. The controller communication by means of Ethernet includes on board RNRP redundancy along with a broad set of communication modules to connect to third-party devices. A superior redundancy concept allows for fast switch-over times and topologically separated CPU-modules. Several CPU modules are available, varying in terms of processing power, memory size and redundancy support. Priority controlled, time-based tasks allow the highest stability in even complex control tasks
AC 800M controller
A Programmable Automation Controller, designed to achieve high availability for control applications in the process industry.
Article no.: 3BSE003645R1
Product category: PLCs - ABB - Advant Controller 410 - ABB 3BSE003645R1 PM154 (3BSE003645R1) All used units are powered up and tested as far as we have knowledge to. We are unable to fully test some advanced units, but most is fully tested.
�Full modularity and flexibility for all environments for future expansion of control applications
ï?§Compact Control Builder software offers a wide range of powerful control solutions and reusable libraries for efficient configuration
ï?§Robust design and redundancy options in all critical areas of the controller and its components eliminates single-point failures and secures maximum availability
ï?§Supports a broad range of I/O products that can be integrated into a spectrum of industrial processing applications
PILZ Wirkleistungsme?sser TYP P1WM
KRONES Multimess 4F96-1-LCD-MT-2?RO-US1 V101-20-0025 -used-
Phoenix Contact PSM-EG-RS232/RS?422-P/4K
Pacific Scientific R46GMNA-TS-NS-V?S-00 Servomotor
. 6 Months warranty on used units, 12 Months warranty on new units . T/T 100% Payment in Advance . Order before 14.00 CET and we normally ship the same day . Worldwide shipping . Contact us for a quote Description The rich function block library includes several types of control loops, including advanced control and auto- tune capabilities as well as integration for ABB drives and motors. The controller communication by means of Ethernet includes on board RNRP redundancy along with a broad set of communication modules to connect to third-party devices. A superior redundancy concept allows for fast switch-over times and topologically separated CPU-modules. Several CPU modules are available, varying in terms of processing power, memory size and redundancy support. Priority controlled, time-based tasks allow the highest stability in even complex control tasks AC 800M controller A Programmable Automation Controller, designed to achieve high availability for control applications in the process industry. Article no.: 3BSE003645R1 Product category: PLCs - ABB - Advant Controller 410 - ABB 3BSE003645R1 PM154 (3BSE003645R1) All used units are powered up and tested as far as we have knowledge to. We are unable to fully test some advanced units, but most is fully tested. Benefits �Full modularity and flexibility for all environments for future expansion of control applications �Compact Control Builder software offers a wide range of powerful control solutions and reusable libraries for efficient configuration �Robust design and redundancy options in all critical areas of the controller and its components eliminates single-point failures and secures maximum availability �Supports a broad range of I/O products that can be integrated into a spectrum of industrial processing applications mailto:unity@mvme.cn AIRPEL Anti-Stiction Air Cylinder E24 D 1.0N 0806U Interroll EC200 16:1 Trommelmotor OMRON E3S-AD81 Fotoschalter Photoelectric Switch Siemens SIMATIC S5 CPU 926 6ES5 926-3SA11 6ES5926-3SA11
The picture showed is just for reference. We have a lot of spare parts in stock currently,they are ready to be shipped.All the spare parts sold are provided with 1 year warranty.At the same time we have our own inventory and also as s distributor and supplier a large number or spare parts to bring you the best solution for your procurement work to facilitate. We have large of inventory for our company's advantage products. ABB PM851K01 3BSE018168R1 PM856K01 3BSE018104R1 PM860K01 3BSE018100R1 PM861AK01 3BSE018157R1 PM864AK01 3BSE018161R1 CI854AK01 3BSE030220R1 CI860K01 3BSE032444R1 CI853K01 3BSE018103R1 CI855K01 3BSE018106R1 CI855K01 CI858K01 3BSE018135R1 SD821 3BSC610037R1 SD822 3BSC610038R1 SD823 3BSC610039R1 SS822 3BSC610042R1 CI801 3BSE022366R1 CI840 3BSE022457R1 CI840A 3BSE041882R1 TU846 3BSE022460R1 TU847 3BSE022462R1 TB847 TB820V2 3BSE013208R1 TB820-1 3BSE008556R1 TB840A 3BSE037760R1 TU840 3BSE020846R1 TU841 3BSE020848R1 TU810V1 3BSE013230R1 TU811V1 3BSE013231R1 TU812V1 3BSE013232R1 TU814V1 3BSE013233R1 TU830V1 3BSE013234R1 TU831V1 3BSE013235R1 TU835V1 3BSE013236R1 TU836V1 3BSE013237R1 TU837V1 3BSE013238R1 TU838 3BSE008572R1 TU842 3BSE020850R1 TU843 3BSE021443R1 TU844 3BSE021445R1 TU845 3BSE021447R1 TU890 3BSC690075R1 TU891 3BSC840157R1 TY801K01 3BSE023607R1 TY804K01 3BSE033670R1 DI840 3BSE020836R1 DI845 DI890 3BSC690073R1 DP820 3BSE013228R1 DP840 3BSE028926R1 DI810 3BSE008508R1 DI811 3BSE008552R1 DI814 3BUR001454R1 DI820 3BSE008512R1 DI821 3BSE008550R1 DI821 DI831 3BSE013212R1 DO810 3BSE008510R1 DO814 3BUR001455R1 DO815 3BSE013258R1 DO821 3BSE013250R1 DO840 3BSE020838R1 DO890 3BSC690074R1 AI810 3BSE008516R1 AI820 3BSE008544R1 AI830 3BSE008518R1 AI830A 3BSE040662R1 AI835 3BSE008520R1 AI843 3BSE028925R1 AI845 3BSE023675R1 AI890 3BSC690071R1 AI895 3BSC690086R1 AO810 3BSE008522R1 AO820 3BSE008546R1 AO845 3BSE023676R1 AO890 3BSC690072R1 AO895 3BSC690087R1 DI801 3BSE020508R1 DI802 3BSE022360R1 DI803 3BSE022362R1 DO801 3BSE020510R1 DO802 3BSE022364R1 AI801 3BSE020512R1 AO801 3BSE020514R1 AB 1756-M24 1756-L55M12 1756-L55M13 1756-L55M14 1756-L55M16 1756-L55M22 1756-L55M23 1756-L55M24 1785-L11B 1785-L20B 1785-L20C15 1785-L20E 1785-L26B 1785-L30B 1785-L40B 1785-L40C 1785-L40C15 1785-L40E W
The S800 I/O provides easy installation of the I/O modules and process cabling. It is highly modularized and flexible so that I/O modules can be combined to suit many applications. The S800 I/O can be mounted in many configurations to fit most requirements. 3BSE008516R1 AI810 Analog input 1x8 ch. 3BSE052604R1 AI815 Analog Input module 3BSE008544R1 AI820 Analog input module 3BSE036456R1 AI825 Analog Input module 3BSE040662R1 AI830A Analog input module 3BSE051306R1 AI835A Analog input module 3BSE028925R1 AI843 Analog Input module 3BSE023675R1 AI845 Analog Input module 3BSC690071R1 AI890 Analog Input module 3BSC690141R1 AI893 Analog Input module 3BSC690086R1 AI895 Analog Input module 3BSE038415R1 AO810V2 Analog Output module 3BSE052605R1 AO815 Analog Output module 3BSE008546R1 AO820 Analog Output module 3BSE045584R1 AO845A Analog Output module 3BSC690072R1 AO890 Analog Output module 3BSC690087R1 AO895 Analog Output module 3BSE022366R1 CI801 PROFIBUS Communication interface 3BSE041882R1 CI840A Q Q 109146768 Interface 3BSE039293R1 AI880A High Integrity Analog Input module 3BSE028586R1 DI880 High Integrity Digital Input module 3BSE028926R1 DP840 infoatoilwaterfilterdotcom module 3BSE028602R1 DO880 High Integrity Digital Output module 3BSE008508R1 DI810 Digital Input module 3BSE008552R1 DI811 Digital input module 3BUR001454R1 DI814 Digital Input module 3BSE069052R1 DI818 Digital Input module 3BSE008512R1 DI820 Digital Input module 3BSE008550R1 DI821 Digital Input module 3BSE036373R1 DI825 Digital Input module 3BSE069054R1 DI828 Digital Input module 3BSE013210R1 DI830 Digital Input module 3BSE013212R1 DI831 Digital Input module 3BSE020836R1 DI840 Digital Input module 3BSC690073R1 DI890 Digital Input module 3BSE008510R1 DO810 Digital Output module 3BUR001455R1 DO814 Digital Output module 3BSE013258R1 DO815 Digital Output module 3BSE069053R1 DO818 Digital Output module 3BSE008514R1 DO820 Digital Output module 3BSE013250R1 DO821 Digital Output module 3BSE069055R1 DO828 Digital Output module 3BSE020838R1 DO840 Digital Output module 3BSC690074R1 DO890 Digital Output module 3BSE013228R1 DP820 Pulse Counter module 3BSE020512R1 AI801 Analog input module 3BSE020514R1 AO801 Analog output module 3BSE020508R1 DI801 Digital Input module 3BSE022360R1 DI802 Digital Input module 3BSE022362R1 DI803 Digital Input module 3BSE020510R1 DO801 Digital Output module 3BSE022364R1 DO802 Digital Output module