Price of product (FOB price in USD) :
Product origin :
Specifications :
1 bundle (10 stems)
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
No minimum order, can be shipped mix with other cut-flowers, whole shipment is better than 500kgs in order to save air freight cost
Species SpecificationsFOB Price in USD Barbotos leaf1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Carnation1 stem0.2 Craspedia1 bundle (10 stems)2.6 Dianthus1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Lisianthus / Eustoma1 bundle (10 stems)3.4 Hydrangea1 stem2.9 Hypericum / Jequirity1 bundle (5 stems)2.9 Dusty miller1 bundle (10 stems)2.6 Lily 2/3 buds1 stem0.8 Lily multiple buds1 stem1.1 Latifolium / Limonium1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Limonium/ Statice 1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Ranunculus1 bundle (10 stems)3.7 Rose (all kinds, Grade A)1 pack (10 stems)2.9 Sunflower / Helianthus1 stem0.8 Wax Flowers1 stem0.8 Multi-buds rose1 bundle (6 stems)3.7 Strelitzia1 stem1.5 Amaranthus seeds1 stem0.6 Asparagus cochinchinensis1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Chrysanthemum (white / yellow)1 stem0.3 Dianthus Chinensis / Barbatus1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Gerbera1 bundle (20 stems)1.5 Ivy1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Mini Chrysanthemum1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Moby Dick1 bundle ( 3 pieces)4.4 Monstera1 bundle ( 10 pieces)2.2 Parvi eucalyptus/ Eucalyptus1 bundle4.4 Salix argyracea 1 stem0.3 Dragon willow / Salix1 stem0.8 Gladiolus1 bundle (20 stems)5.8 Kale/Brassica (white/purple)Each1.1 Goldenrod1 bundle (10 stems)1.1 Tulip1 bundle (10 stems)5.8