Toothfish (Dissostichus Eleginoides) HGT
Also known as Seabass
Seafrozen, trawler caught, packed in cartons
Size 300/1 kgs 6350 kgs
Size 1/2 kgs 16,400 kgs
Size 2/3 kgs 323 kgs
Size 4/6 kgs 3,353 kgs
Payment terms: 30/70
Supplier: Chilean sea bass or toothfish hgt, fillets, atlantic salmon head on gutted, fillets, portions, giant squid, swordfish, king crab, sierra, clams, octopus, limpet, oysters, razor clams, mussels
Services: Export or import
Buyer: Chilean sea bass or toothfish hgt, fillets, atlantic salmon head on gutted, fillets, portions, giant squid, swordfish, king crab, sierra, clams, octopus, limpet, oysters, razor clams, mussels
Supplier: Swordfish hgt. patagonian toothfish and giant squid products.
Services: Producer and exporter
Supplier: King crabs ( lithodes santolla), seabass ( dissostichus eleginoides), hake,( merluccius hubssi), red shrimps, (pleoticus muelleri), jack mackerel, ( trachurus murphyi), yellow croaker, (micropogonias furnieri), rock crabs ( cancer edwardsii)
Supplier: Pacific pomfret brama australis, kingfish thyrsites atun, chilean seabass dissostichus eleginoides, giant squid fillet dosidicus gigas, giant squid wings dosidicus gigas, giant squid buttons dosidicus gigas, cool chile iqf, sardine strangomera bentincki., silver smelt odontesthes regia, australis hake merluccius australis, conger genyterusblacodes, swordfish hgt xiphias gladius, shrimp tail pleoticus meulleri, cool chile iqf tail, shrimp whole pleoticus meulleri, cool chile iqf whole, atlantic salmon whole salmon salar, cool chile iqf hon g&g, atlantic salmon fillet salmon salar (trim b c), atlantic salmon hg salmon salar, mahi mahi fillet coryphaena hippurus, mahi mahi whole coryphaena hippurus, mahi mahi portions coryphaena hippurus,