Lens Holder
Brass on adjustable metal stand.
To demonstrate the phenomenon of interference of light using bi-prism and to understand the concept of interference, image formation width of fringes. It consists of 1 1/2 meter long stainless steel double rod optical bench with following accessories.Biprism holder having fine radial motion by screws. Adjustable slit with ground ss jaws Micrometer Eye Piece Ramsden’s 10x, carried on a slider which moves along a micrometer screw.Automatic lens holder with spring action for equal opening and closing of both ends
1&1/2 meter long consists of two rods on heavy cast iron feets with leveling screws with four heavy riders two sliders have liter motion with lens holder &two needless. (a) OPTICAL BENCH: Same as above but both rods of steel C.P. (b) OPTICAL BENCH: Same as above but both brass covered pipe inside steel rods. (c) OPTICAL BENCH: Same as above but both stainless steel rods.
It consists of a 1 1/2 meter long stainless steel double rod optical bench with the following accessories.Lamp house : an electric bulb workable on 220V AC is encased in a metal caseMetal Screen White with cross slit : the slit has one white surface and other black Plane true tiltable mounted mirrorLens assembly consisting of combination of single & double lens holder on a mount rotating on a vertical axis. The Assembly is adjustable in height and can be moved by rack & pinion.