A General Idea Indicating The Safe Working Loads Of Our Blocks, Dia of Sheave Circf. of Rope, 6, 1-1 1/4, 7, 11/4-1 1/2, 8, 11/2-1 1/4 10, 1 1/4 2 1/4 12, 2 1/4-2 1/2, 14, 2 1/2-3, 16, 3-3 1/2, 18, 3 1/2-4, S.W. L. tons, Single, Sheave, 0.75, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, Double, Sheave, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, Triple, Sheave, 1.5, 2.5, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, Safe Working Loads (S.W. L.) Of Rigs B. S.: 4018-1966, Dia of Sheave, Dia of Rope, S.W. L., per Single, part of rope, Ton, Safe Working Loads of Rigs, inch mm inch mm 1/1 Rig Ton 2/1 Rig Ton 2/2 Rig Ton 3/2 Rig Ton 3/3 Rig Ton, 5, 127, 3/8, 9, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, 3.0, 3.75, 4.5, 6, 152, 7/16, 11, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6, 7, 177, 1/2, 13, 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0, 6.25, 7.5, 8, 203, 9/16, 14, 1.50, 3.0, 4.50, 6.0, 7.40, 9.0, 9, 228, 5/8, 16, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 11, 279, 3/4, 19, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0, 18.0, 12, 304, 7/8, 22, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0, Selection Criteria: Sheave Dia/Rope Dia = At least 12, The safe working load per single part of rope is approximately one sixth of the nominal breaking load of ropes as 2 2 specified in B.S.302 621 in the 6 x 37 group of tensile strength 100/110, ton / inch (160/175 kgf/mm ). This is the nominal breaking load on which the design of blocks to this standard is based., The manner of test laid down in schedule II of DOCK Workers (Safety, Health, and Welfare)Regulations, 1990, is as follows:, Article of Gear, Proof Load, Single sheave pulley block, Four times the safe working load, Multiple sheave block with safe working load up to and including 20 tons, Twice the safe working load, Multiple sheave block with safe working load over 20 tons up to and including 40 tons, 20 tons in excess of the safe working load, Multiple sheave block with safe working load over 40 tons, One and a half times the safe working load, Note, Higher capacity pulley blocks manufactured against order., Crane Block, Snatch Block
Manilla Rope Pulley Block,, Dia. of Sheave, Dia of Rope, S. W. L. in kg, No. Sheave, 3 1/2, 1/2", 100, Single, 31/2, 1/2", 150, Double, 3 1-2, 1/2", 250, Triple, 4", 5/8, 150, Single, 4", 5/8, 200, Double, 4", 5/8, 300, Triple, 4 3/4, 3/4", 200, Single, 4 3/4, 3/4", 400, Double, 4 3/4, 3/4", 500, Triple, 6", 1", 500, Single, 6", 1", 1000, Double, 6", 1", 1500, Triple, 7", 1 1/4 600, Single, 7", 1 1/4, 1500, Double, 7", 1 1/4, 2000, Triple, 8", 1 1/2, 1000, Single, 8", 1 1/2, 2000, Double, 8", 1 1/2, 2500, Triple, 10", 2", 1500, Single, 10", 2", 2500, Double, 10", 2", 4000, Triple
Supplier: Chain, sheaves, pulleys, wire rope
Diameter (mm), Polypropelene Parapro Ropes, Nylon Multi filament Ropes, Breaking Strength (kgf), Runnage ( meter / kg), Wt. per Coil of 220 meters (kg), Breaking Strength (kgf), Runnage ( meter / kg), Wt. per Coil of 220 meters (kg), 4, 214, 135.00, 1.63, 320, 95.24, 2.30, 6, 602, 60.00, 3.67, 750, 44.40, 4.95, 8, 1060, 33.30, 6.60, 1345, 25.00, 8.80, 10, 1560, 22.00, 10.00, 2088, 16.20, 13.60, 12, 2210, 15.20, 14.50, 2995, 11.20, 19.60, 14, 3050, 11.00, 20.00, 4095, 8.20, 26.80, 16, 3770, 8.60, 25.50, 5300, 6.30, 35.00, 18, 4810, 6.80, 32.50, 6695, 5.00, 44.00, 20, 5800, 5.50, 40.00, 8300, 4.10, 54.00, 22, 6960, 4.50, 48.50, 10000, 3.30, 66.00, 24, 8130, 3.90, 57.00, 12000, 2.80, 78.00, 26, 9410, 3.20, 67.60, 13950, 2.40, 92.40, 28, 10700, 2.80, 78.00, 15800, 2.10, 107.00, 30, 12220, 2.50, 89.00, 17755, 1.80, 122.00, 32, 13500, 2.20, 101.00, 20000, 1.60, 139.00, 36, 16930, 1.70, 129.00, 24900, 1.25, 176.00, 40, 20510, 1.40, 158.00, 30000, 1.00, 218.00, 44, 24640, 1.13, 194.00, 35800, 0.80, 264.00, 48, 28610, 0.96, 229.00, 42000, 0.70, 312.00, Product Attributes Polypropelene High breaking strength & shock absorption capacity Good abrasion resistance & easy knotting possible Inert to chemicals Nylon Excellent breaking strength & high elongation Good shock absorption Strong & Durable Product Assurance Every coil carries a test certificate for : Material, Breaking strength & Safe working load Applications Defence: Rappelling, Slithering,& Jackstayropes. Arrestor Barriers & Helideck nets. Tentage & Reinforcement ropes Ropeways & Rope Bridges Material Handling: Tower Erection & Cable Pulling Slings for Metal tube handling Pantoon Bridges Sugarcane Trolley Pulling Safty: Safety Nets Jumping Ropes Helipad Nets Gangway Nets Escape rope ladders Scramble Nets Bulk Cargo Nets Weight are subject to a +/- 5% variation. All values listed are as per results confirmed in accordance to test procedures IS 7071. All specifications pertain to regular laid ropes and are applicable to new ropes The products indicated in this brochure do not constitute the whole range of GWRL products. Please contact us if other sizes and characteristics are required. GWRL reserves the right to review its product specifications. Safe working loads is 1/16th of the breaking strength.
Steel wire ropes for marine Use : Shipping, Fishing
About The Ropes Made from natural hard fibres Manila & Sisal Ropes are the best of their kind in India. Made in accordance to rigid 1.5.1. specifications. Ropes 1jre available in sizes varying from 4mm. dia to 76 mm. dia in Manila (Grade - I, II & III) and Sisal (Grade 'A'). Their distinct and superior characteristics, offer both high breaking strength and maximum flexibility in use. They have a wide range of applications in various industries. Dia in mm, Circumference in inches Min. No of yarns per strands Approx. Wt per coil of 220 meters Minimum Breaking Strength of Manilla Rope as per (as per IS: 1084/1%9) and Sisal Rope (as per IS: 1321/69), Manilla Grade I, Manilla Grade II, Manilla Grade III, Sisal, 8, 1, 3, 12, 545, 483, 419, 483, 10, 1 1/2, 4, 15, 705, 635, 559, 635, 12, 1 1/2, 6, 23, 1065, 955, 838, 955, 14, 1 3/4, 8, 31, 1450, 1285, 1118, 1285, 16, 2, 10, 42, 2030, 1805, 1576, 1805, 18, 2 1/4, 13, 49, 2440, 1880, 2135, 1880, 20, 2 1/2, 16, 61, 3250, 2845, 2215, 2845, 22, 2 3/4, 19, 73, 3860, 3405, 2972, 3405, 24, 3, 23, 88, 4570, 4065, 3556, 4065, 26, 3 1/4, 27, 103, 5335, 4725, 4140, 4725, 28, 3 1/2, 31, 118, 6095, 5325, 4725, 5325, 30, 3 3/4, 36, 138, 6860, 6095, 5385, 6095, 32, 4, 41, 155, 7875, 6860, 6071, 6860, 36, 4 1/2, 52, 197, 9650, 8635, 7570, 8635, 40, 5, 64, 244, 11940, 10415, 9703, 10415, 44, 5 1/2, 77, 298, 14225, 12700, 11024, 12700, 48, 6, 92, 352, 16765, 14735, 12955, 14735, 52, 6 1/2, 108, 414, 19560, 17275, 15088, 17275, .56, 7, 125, 479, 22355, 19815, 17425, 19815, 60, 7 1/2, 144, 549, 25400, 22605, 19813, 22605, 64, 8, 164, 639, 29000, 25700, 22600, 25700, 88, 8 1/2, 185, 707, 32000, 28500, 24700, 28500, 72, 9, 207, 792, 35800, 32700, 27600, 32700, 76, 9 1/2, 231, 881, 39500, 35000, 30000, 35000 Material Handling Manila and Sisal Ropes are used. extensively in engineering industries and at construction sites for material handling. Due to their heavy load lifting capacity these Ropes are well suited for hauling and cargo lifting operations. Ports And Shipping Manila Ropes of various diameters are widely used for towing, mooring and dry docking by Port Trusts and Shipping Industries. Manila Ropes offer excellent resistance to action of water and marine organisms, and are therefore ideally, suited in the Marine Industry. Transport Sisal Ropes find wide applications in the domestic transport industrY for safe handling of cargo. Due to their excelient shock absorbing capability Ropes are acknowledged to be the most reliable for this end use. Weights are subject to +- 5% maximum variation. Tensile strengths are approximately average and the minimum shall be within minus 1O% of the listed value. The values shown above are for regular aly ropes
Circ., (in) Dia. (mm) , Polypropylene Ropes:, Nylon Ropes, Maxima Ropes, Maxi-Flex Ropes, Breaking Strength (kgf), Wt. per Coil of 220 meters ( kg)., Breaking Strength (kgf), Wt. per Coil of 220 meters ( kg)., Breaking Strength (kgf), Wt. per Coil of 220 meters ( kg)., Breaking Strength (kgf), Wt. per Coil of 220 meters ( kg)., 4.0, 32, 13500, 101.00, 20000, 139.00, 18500, 101.00, 20000, 124.00, 4.5, 36, 16930, 129.00, 24900, 176.00, 23250, 129.00, 24900, 157.00, 5.0, 40, 20510, 158.00, 30000, 218.00, 28000, 158.00, 30000, 195.00, 5.5, 44, 24640, 198.00, 35800, 264.00, 34000, 194.00, 35800, 238.00, 6.0, 48, 28610, 229.00, 42000, 312.00, 39500, 229.00, 46290, 282.00, 6.5, 52, 33110, 268.00, 48800, 365.00, 45500, 268.00, 54300, 330.00, 7.0, 56, 37850, 312.00, 56000, 425.00, 52000, 312.00, 62800, 378.00, 7.5, 60, 43280, 359.00, 63800, 486.00, 59500, 359.00, 72000, 438.00, 8.0, 64, 48960, 407.00, 72000, 554.00, 67500, 407.00, 82600, 495.00, 9.0, 72, 61500, 515.00, 89900, 702.00, 84500, 515.00, 102000, 627.00, 10.0, 80, 75640, 638.00, 109800, 867.00, 104000, 638.00, 125500, 775.00, 11.0, 88, 90760, 772.00, 130800, 1049.00, 125000, 772.00, 156000, 1100.00, 12.0, 96, 107100, 916.00, 153900, 1250.00, 148000, 916.00, 185000, 1315.00, 13.0, 104, 122900, 1078.00, 182140, 1425.00, 173500, 1075.00, 216000, 1540.00, 14.0, 112, 141830, 1254.00, 210200, 1698.00, 201000, 1250.00, 250000, 1790.00, 15.0, 120, 162860, 1430.00, 240200, 1951.00, 230000, 1435.00, 286000, 2050.00 Product Attributes Polypropylene Ropes High breaking strength Good abrasion resistance Inert to chemicals Better runnage & low elongation Maxima (blended polymer) Ropes Approx 40% higher breaking strength than PP Excellent abrasion resistance Value for money through down sizing Nylon Ropes Excellent breaking strength & higher elongation Good shock load absorption Strong & Durable Maxi-Flex (composite fibers) Ropes Higher strength compared to Nylon Flexible & low elongation Product Assurance GWRL Test certificate with each lot. Ropes can be OCIMF certified based on customer requirement Applications Shipping: Mooring lines Splash target ropes Anchoring ropes Towing lines Messenger lines Rope Articles : Towing stretchers SPM Hawsers Oil Exploration: On board oil rigs Oil Exploration Platform Weight are subject to a +/- 5% variation. All values listed are as per results confirmed in accordance to test procedures IS 7071. All specifications pertain to regular laid ropes and are applicable to new ropes The products indicated in this brochure do not constitute the whole range of GWRL products. Please contact us if other sizes and characteristics are required. GWRL reserves the right to review its product specifications. Safe working loads is 1/16th of the breaking strength.
Mining Wire Ropes
Automobile Aircraft Ropes Galvanized wire rope for Aircraft Galvanized steel strand for brake cable