Eva injection moulding machine
Number of stations No 6 8
Clamping force Kn 170
Mould-holder dimensions Mm 290*500*2 290*530*2
Mould height Mm 120/125/145/165/180/190/200 120/125/145/165/180/190/200
Max: Opening stroke of the mould-holder Mm 340(mold thickness)/120mm 340(mold thickness)/120mm
Heating plate No 4*4 4*4
Heating type Heater/ Heater/
Heating power (each station) Kw 10.4 10.4
Injection unit
Screw diameter No 2 2
Screw speed Mm 60 65
Max. Injection volume Cm 3 950 1100
Screw sped Rpm 0-150 Adjustable 0-150 Adjustable
Thermal zone of barrel No 4 4
Injection pressure Bar/cm2 1130 1130
Power consumption
Injection unit heating Kw 15.6 15.6
Heating plate Kw 62.4 104
Motor for hydraulic Kw 59 59
Total electric consumption Kw 137 178.6
Machine dimension M 9.20*4.5*2.73 12*4.50*2.70
Weight (Approximate) Tons 26 38
Eva injection moulding machine ItemUnitLD200682LD201082 Mould-holder Number of stationsNo68 Clamping forceKn170 Mould-holder dimensionsMm290*500*2290*530*2 Mould heightMm120/125/145/165/180/190/200120/125/145/165/180/190/200 Max: Opening stroke of the mould-holderMm340(mold thickness)/120mm340(mold thickness)/120mm Heating plateNo4*44*4 Heating typeHeater/Heater/ Heating power(each station)Kw10.410.4 Injection unit Screw diameterNo22 Screw speedMm6065 Max. Injection volumeCm39501100 Screw spedRpm0-150Adjustable0-150Adjustable Thermal zone of barrelNo44 Injection pressureBar/cm211301130 Power consumption Injection unit heatingKw15.615.6 Heating plateKw62.4104 Motor for hydraulicKw5959 Total electric consumptionKw137178.6 Machine dimensionM9.20*4.5*2.7312*4.50*2.70
Shoe moulding Eva injection mould, Tr mould, Tpr mould, Pu mould, Pvc mould As per