What is a grain cleaning machine?
Grain cleaning machines, also known as winnowers, have been used for a long time. They are applied to separate the grains from the chaff, as well as to calibrate the seeds, that is, to separate them by weight and size. The first winnowers worked owing to vibration? the uncleaned grain was shaken and cleaned of the chaff, and the built-in fan blew them away.
This design appeared at the beginning of the fourteenth century and remained practically unchanged up to the present day, however, so-called aerodynamic separators are now available on the market, which operate on a completely different principle. After the uncleaned grains enter the separator, they fall into a powerful airflow which is generated by an impeller. Air instantly blows off light impurities, chaff, straw, dust, husks and bad seeds, and quality grain continues to fall and is calibrated. Heavy impurities like stones fall straight down, and the grains are blown away and fall into different chambers, depending on the weight and structure.
Thus, the grain is calibrated and divided into:
seed material
food raw materials, etc.
The use of air for grain processing enables to accelerate significantly the cleaning process and make it more qualitative. The germination capacity of the seed material obtained with aerodynamic grain cleaning machines reaches 98%.
Our production
Our catalog offers you a wide range of grain cleaning machines. The innovative Agromash products are in demand not only in Ukraine, but also in a number of European Union countries. We can name seven reasons why you should buy a grain cleaning machine in our store:
The aerodynamic separator is able to work with any type of grain crops. You may fill wheat, peas, flax, soy, barley, coffee, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, lentils and even frozen berries into it ? the output will yield a quality, pure seed material. With the use of our grain cleaning machines, it is possible to recycle wastes from typical grain separators, obtaining up to 30% of good seeds suitable for sowing.
Vibration in typical separators damages a significant part of seeds, making them unsuitable for sowing and causing losses. Air flow provides softer cleaning of the grains without damaging them and ensuring high germination of seed material.
Agromash aerodynamic separators have low power consumption compared to typical vibration models. This enables to save significantly the electricity.
If you purchase our grain cleaning machines, you can work with contaminated and humid material.