Desiccated Coconuts :
Desiccated coconut, the edible dried-out shredded coconut meat was prepared from fresh kernel of fully matured coconut and it is available in coarse, medium and fine grades and also in special grades such as threads, strips, granules etc. Good desiccated coconut is crisp, snow white in colour with a sweet, pleasant and fresh taste of coconut kernel. Desiccated coconut, a commercial product was manufactured from the white part of the meat after removing the brown parings. The meat is shredded or disintegrated and dried in hot air driers at 140-170oF to 2 per cent moisture content (fat 65-68 % and Solids nonfat 30-32%) and used in the manufacture of cakes, pastries and chocolates. Desiccated coconut is the disintegrated, white kernel of coconut processed under strict hygienic conditions and dried to a moisture content of below 3.0 per cent. It is a food product which is ready and fit for direct human consumption.